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AFSCME Stewards:

What is a Steward?


Stewards are you or a co-worker.  A Union Steward is both an employee and a Union Representative.  You have employment rights, not only through laws, but also through your collective bargaining agreement.  A union steward helps you understand those rights.  Their primary role is to communicate with you and your co-workers.


A Union Steward is a Communicator, Organizer, Representative, and Leader. They make themselves available to answer questions and assist employees with Union issues in the workplace.  Stewards are also problem solvers.


Local Stewards build the Union by helping workers empower themselves. They encourage involvement so that the Local Union can demonstrate strength and solidarity in order to bargain better contracts and make positive changes for workers.


Some AFSCME locals appoint stewards while in other locals they are elected by the membership.  AFSCME Council 5 provides training for stewards.  If you have any interest in becoming a steward or know a co-workers that would make a good Union Representative, contact your local President or Chief Steward.


Steward documents (from AFSCME Steward Manual):



Representing members in Investigatory Meetings
Weingarten Rights
Veteran's Preference
Garrity Warning
Tennessen Warning
What is an Investigatory Interview
        Steward's Role During an Investigatory Interview (1-3):
        1) Represent and Provide Advice
        2) Be an Advocate for the Employee During the Investigation
        3) Monitor the Employer's Investigation



How to Write a Grievance
Grievance Procedure: Points to Remember
Grievance Preparation: Points to Remember
Just Cause at a Glance
Steward's Rights to Information



Understanding Duty of Fair Representation
DFR Checklist



What are Workplace Actions?
Checklist for choosing an issue
Tactics for Workplace Actions



Grievance Waiver Form

Grievance Fact sheet
Electronic Grievance Form
Grievance Form
Release for Personnel File
Information Request
TSS Related Grievance Form

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Brought to you by AFSCME 2474. Made strong by member participation and mutual aid. 

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