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About Olivia

I received my undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Music Performance in 2014 from the College of St. Scholastica. Shortly after graduation, I started working at Hennepin Healthcare (formerly HCMC) as a Mental Health Worker in inpatient psychiatry. As a Mental Health Worker, I worked with patients who experienced the full range of mental health disorders, came from a diverse population, and received care that was mostly if not entirely based on the western style of medicine. At HHC, I became inspired by a holistic nurse to pursue a career in the related field of health coaching.


I studied at the Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching program at the U of MN and graduated with a Masters degree. Coaching combines many areas I'm passionate about: working one on one or in small groups, partnering with clients instead of prescribing or educating, holistic health, combining aspects of allopathic and integrative medicine, personal growth, creativity, the arts, supporting vulnerability, and exploring the liminal spaces and intersections of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I support and cultivate a safe space for LGBTQIA individuals.

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What is coaching?

Coaching provides a space to explore wellness topics and move towards a more balanced life with the assistance of a holistically trained coach. Coaches support and guide the discovery of a client’s inner wisdom and healer. By cultivating mindfulness skills, connecting to a larger health vision, and supporting deep inner work, coaching fosters the growth of more intrinsically motivated, balanced, self-advocating, and self-sustainable members of the community. Some examples of great topics to bring to coaching are work/life balance, stress management, coping with change/transitions, health and wellness goals (developing better sleep, diet, exercise etc), cultivating a new practice (mindfulness, habits, spirituality etc), and weathering grief and loneliness.

What does a typical coaching session look like?

Personal coaching with Olivia offers a one to one experience which focuses solely on you and your coaching needs. Olivia partners with you, walks along-side you, and provides accountability on your journey. A typical coaching session starts with a grounding, moves into exploring your focus or intention for the session, and ends with what you want to concentrate on until we meet again. While decisive goals can be a part of the session if they are helpful for you, sessions can revolve around exploration, sitting with emotions, and simply being listened to and supported in a safe space. Coaching is not based on education or directing you to do what is “best” for you, rather, you and Olivia will dive deep into your own health journey and help you find your own inner wisdom which will ultimately lead you to personally tailored insights and change.

Explore these articles on how and why coaching works


 If you're interested in Integrative Health Coaching, or just curious, simply contact Olivia directly at or reach out to us at

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