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Call Hennepin County Commissioners 


Hennepin Healthcare is a subsidiary corporation of Hennepin County. Hennepin County Commissioners            provide public oversight and approve budgets for the health system.


You can find the commissioner who represents you, with contact information, here: If you live outside Hennepin County, you can still advocate by calling one or all of the commissioners. 


Leave a message with the commissioner of your choice. If you want support, here is a simple script you are welcome to use, in full or part. I foyu work at hennepin Healthcare, let them know. If you live in the same district as the commissioner you are contacting, let them know you are a voting constituent.  


"Hi _____ . This is _________. I support the mission of Hennepin Healthcare and am a voting constituent. (Or, I work at Hennepin Healthcare . . .) I'm concerned that Hennepin Healthcare administrators are slashing the wages of more than 800 front line staff after spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a fancy new building. Please let CEO Jon Pryor know AFSCME workers deserve a fair contract. Underpaying and understaffing creates unsafe conditions and detracts from the quality of patient care. Thank you for your time and consideration." 


Though we encourage a phone call, you could also send an email. You can use the template provided, but if so inspired, your own words are persuasive. 


If you receive confirmation that your commissioner does intend to contact Jon Pryor to support us, please let us know! We'll send them a thank you card. 

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